Tag Archives: button brooches

Sunday Summary – 28th August 2011

Wow!  So much excitement this week I’m not sure where to begin!

I’ll start with my first ever craft show!  It was the Aberdeen Craft Bazaar in the Airyhall Community Centre in Aberdeen and I spent all last week panicing and making things and buying things etc but on the day it was so relaxed I wondered what I got so worked up about!

I had a table in the main hall with about 20 other local crafters and some of their work was so amazing I’m glad I didn’t take my purse! As it was my first fair I was very conscious of making money rather than spending it!

It was quieter than expected (other stallholders advised me) but I had a great time!  I made a few sales and met some lovely people!


So this is my table layout and all my goodies for sale!  If you’ve visited my shop before you’ll notice a few new things here!



Which takes me onto my second piece of excitement for the week: I’ve added lots of new products to my shop! My tote bags, bibs, cards and button brooches are all newly added.

I haven’t added anything for a while due to prepping for my fair and generally being busy, so the items you see in the pictures above are all available to purchase in my Etsy shop!


This also relates to my third and final piece of excitement! I’m having a sale!  All screenprints in my Etsy shop are reduced by 20%!


So I suggest you get yourself over there and have a look!  Let me know what you think!


Karen x

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Sunday Summary – 14 August 2011

Drumroll please…

My exciting news for the week is this:

My first ever Christmas range will be sold in support of Maggie’s Aberdeen!


Maggie’s Centres do great work throughout the UK for families affected by cancer and are currently working very hard to raise funds and bring a centre to Aberdeen.

I had a meeting with the Aberdeen Community Fundraising Co-ordinator, Nicola Watson, this week and we discussed my ideas and how I could help support such a worthwhile cause.  She’s so lovely and enthusiastic, and she’s a crafter too! I’ll be working very hard to try and raise as much money as I can for them!

What I’ve Made


This is a prototype of one of the items I plan to sell for Christmas. In some ways it worked better than I’d planned but some tweaks still have to be made.  And there are plenty more prototypes and ideas to come!


And this is an example of one of the button brooches I plan to sell at the craft fair! I really enjoyed making this and I’ve got some lovely packaging in mind!


What I’ve Bought


I bought lots of stuff online so I can continue work on my Christmas range and the craft fair in a couple of weeks.  I’m on holiday all next week so I’ll be very busy making sure I’ve plenty of stock for the fair. This is the only thing that has arrived so far, a flower punch, but I’ll be waiting eagerly for the postie every day this week!


I got these lovely badges for only £1.50 from Accessorize! I was panic-buying a pressie for my friend’s birthday and these caught my eye, so I treated myself too!


Actually…that wasn’t the only treat! I don’t know if it’s just me, but I used to love buying clothes when I was younger (which makes me sound ancient!).  It’d always make me feel great to have something lovely and new to wear, but I mostly find clothes shopping depressing these days!  I have a LOT of clothes, most of which I don’t wear, and I also noticed my work wardrobe needed a bit of an update, so I bought some new bits and pieces and plan to have a MEGA clearout this week.

Any clothes that no longer fit or suit me will be donated to the local charity shop where my Granny works!


What Else I’ve Done

I ended up on my lonesome this week at the cinema, but I didn’t really mind cos I went to see The Rise Of The Planet Of The Apes and it was brilliant! I thought it was maybe a bit slow to start but I felt a sense of panic when the film turned!  Probably because I imagine a lot of things in the film are actually happening in the world although I don’t necessarily know about them. 8/10



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